Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jenny T's Object & Audio Self Portrait

People say that a person’s room says a lot about a person; therefore, I chose to use my room to represent me. When you come in my room, the first thing you would notice (besides the mess) probably would be my pictures/polaroids that are on my walls. And these pictures are of my close friends, family and people who are important to me. I think a person’s room is a really personal space. The fact that someone’s picture is up on the wall means that I really appreciate them and any memories that we’ve created. Besides the pictures, there is a little envelope underneath the chalkboard, because I love to send “old-fashioned” mail to my friends, and also there is a DVD box set of the TV show “Friends” on the shelf underneath the TV. Not only is it one of my favourite shows, but it also relates well with the theme.

Click images to view bigger

Originally, I had planned to create an entire model of my room but that idea was scrapped because of timing issues. I created most of the items out of thin cardboard, and printed a lot of pictures out from the computer. My bed frame was created from a small box, and popsicle sticks & straws that were painted silver. My bed material was made from scrap foam and actual cutouts from my bed sheets. I sewed the pillows and stuffed them with cotton. The wall is cardboard painted white, and the floor is a wooden floorboard that I found online and just printed out. My chalkboard is made from cardboard and popsicle sticks and the clothes on the floor was sewn from scrap material. Other stuff was just made from cardboard and/or paper.

For my audio, I recorded myself reading a letter that I wrote to my friend before graduation. I kind of changed some of the contents for this assignment because nobody would really understand some of the inside jokes that I mentioned, but most of the letter was legit.

Actual card

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