Monday, February 28, 2011

nick p's audio self portrait

What began as an object-based self portrait – based around my love of beer – encountered a code snag and has turned into 75% of a self portrait plus 25% of what I like to think is still a poetic metaphor for drinking. Essentially, the more beers you drink, the more obfuscated your environment becomes.

Infinite thanks for surprisingly complicated workaround provided by Steve Daniels who shows how to turn multiple button presses into unique packets that Arduino can ship out and Processing can then read in via Serial and parse, you can read his solution

  1. This documentation does not include my brainstorming or ideas in my sketchbook, but i kept a brief journal here:
  2. Also, I posted a video of the final stages here, password is mpm27b
Plan is to now get the system to tweet each time a beer's "stolen"…

password is mpm27b

nick p's audio self portrait from nick pagee on Vimeo.

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