Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nick P's Paper + Motor Assignment

This is my paper + motor assignment. I wanted to make a paper hand that closed and opened, and after much trial and error got it about 75% of the way to where I envisioned. I need to start on the other project so am abandoning this, but please take a moment to view the documentation video below.

85% Paper
10% Motor, Motor Shield, Arduino
3% Fishing Line
2% Glue and Staples

Video password: mpm27b

MPM27B - Paper + Motor Control - nickpagee from nick pagee on Vimeo.

This is my paper + motor assignment. I wanted to make a paper hand that closed and opened, and after much trial and error got it about 75% of the way to where I envisioned. I need to start on the other project so am abandoning this, but please take a moment to view the documentation video below.

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