Jan 19/11
Lauren Bonsell
After many thoughts and ideas I came up with a fun computerless algorithm that involved the class in making the beat to "We Will Rock You" by Queen. I came up with ideas that invovled different emotions such as greed, jealously, discomfort, etc. but none of the algorithms I invented were very engaging. While planning this assignment a Queen song came on my playlist and it made me think of the class syllabus. I was greatly disappointed by my fellow generation classmates when they didn't understand the Pink Floyd refrence within the syllabus. I thought I could use this assignment as an opportunity to engage the class in a little fun and introduce them to a little more classic rock that they might be more familiar with.
My Observations: The simplicity of the algorithm and by exposing the audience to it, the beat was recognized (I would say) almost instantly. The audience participated identically to how I imagined. The song beat was recreated by the class. Although the algorithm suggested a neverending repetition, a time limit was implied despite the flaw, and everyone kind of died down simultaneously.
Pseudo Code:
Hands = 2
Thighs = 2
Initialize clap to 0
Initialize slap to 0
slap Thighs = twice
clap Hands = once
If clap >= once
slap < twice
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