"Teaching a cat to sit with treats"
while cat not in sight
- shake treat bag
- open treat bag and retrieve treat
- command sit with treat in hand
- wave treat in hand
- hold treat in hand
- give cat treat
1. Flip sequentially to the page with "1" on it and flip back.2. Was there space to write 3 words?
- Yes: Remember this page and continue to step 3.
- No: Flip to the next sequential blank page and remember it
3. Flip to your remembered page.4. Is there writing on your page?
- Yes: write 3 words that fit contextually with the writing on the page.
- No: If there is a previous page with writing (excluding the algorithmn)
Yes: Write 3 words that fit contextually with the writing on the
last page.
No: Write 3 words that start a sentence.5. Did someone pass you this notebook?
- Yes: Remember this person as "passer".
6. Do you have a neighbour that is not "passer"? (A neighbour would be beside you)
- Yes: Pass the notebook to this neighbour and tell them to execute the algorithm
- No: Do you have someone behind you?
Yes: Pass the notebook to them and tell them to execute the
No: Bring the notebook to the front and give it back to
"There once was a man who liked to dance and sing. He also loved listening to music. Yesterday he danced with his dog outside in the super smelly washroom drank although pregnant. Someone noticed him and called 911. too gay! :) (<- what?) And then he went to the class-room and he wet his pants. BUT THEN AFTER, SHIT HIMSELF AND had to use a washroom to clean his messy bum for he was uncomfortable. He decided to flick my bic"
void setup() {
walk into classroom;
void draw() {
void studentCheck() {
for (go to nearest student that has not been checked; if all students have been checked, skip to next step; head to next student)
if (student = paying attention in class) {
give candy;
else if (student = on laptop && not doing anything relevant for the class && student is not paying attention) {
do not give candy;
void teachersPet() {
give prof a candy;
void sitDown() {
go sit in your seat;
eat a candy;
1. With 2-3 students
You will receive a pencil and a piece of blank paper
Pick one of the coloured papers of your choice (from the package of coloured papers)
Find a seat/somewhere that you can draw/write
2. Run / Performance / Execute
With your blank paper and pencil you've been given, draw/write or create anything that you feel represents that colour best.
Something that you can relate the colour with
[ This can be words, phrases, poetry, illustration etc ]
If not satisfied - Turn paper over and try again, this will be your final outcome
When Satisfied.
3. Outcome:
Show your drawing to class,
possibly discuss?
Purpose: to see how people associate themselves and their thoughts with colour ( visuals vs. words)
The Outcome? this is what people did:
It would have been interesting to let people write on the coloured paper, or use the coloured paper to physically create something - this might have made the results a bit more interesting. Overall, its quite clear that many people associate colour with actual physical things or objects rather than words.
Computerless Algorithm - Put on my face?
Having someone else apply my make up based solely on these instructions.
Make-up is a way of representing oneself. It is a personal choice to wear and to choose how to apply it, what colours to wear etc... In my algorithm I put the way I represent myself into the hands of someone else. These are the instructions they had to follow:
//Defining variables
round brush = long silver brush with rounded tip
eyeliner = round container with black inside labelled Eye studio
eyeliner brush = long black brush with hard tip
double tip brush = blue brush with flat tip on one end and fatter tip on the other
eyeshadow = black box labelled Sephora
open eyeshadow = opening the box
void setup () {
//seat makeup subject in chair
//position make up and make up brushes close to the subject
// position yourself in front of the subject and close to the make up
//ask the subject to close their eyes so you can put makeup on them
void draw() {
open eyeshadow;
base colour (light beige);
for (light beige as base colour) {
(round brush dipped in light beige covers the area of the eyelid up to the eyebrows with light beige);
(repeat on second eye);
(move to the next step once both eyes are done);
second color (gold);
for (gold as second colour) {
(flat tip of double tip brush dipped in gold covers the area of the eyelid up to the crease with gold);
(repeat on second eye);
(move to the next step once both eyes are done);
third colour (aqua blue);
for (aqua blue as third colour) {
(flat tip of the double tip brush dipped in gold covers half of the area of the eyelid from the outside of the eyelid to the centre);
(repeat on second eye);
(move to the next step once both eyes are done);
liner (eyeliner ++ eyeliner brush);
for (liner) {
(dip the eyeliner brush into the eyeliner);
(use the eyeliner brush that now has eyeliner on it to draw a line on the eyelid that follows and is located just above the eyelashes);
(repeat on second eye);
(ask the subject to open their eyes);
//define variablesAs you can see, the scenario for the "social butterfly" is not only the most complicated, but also the most unstable. Despite an apparent surplus of friends, there is always the possibility that you will end up seated like a "social outcast."
boolean markSeeker
boolean socialOutcast
boolean socialButterfly
boolean available //a seat that is empty
boolean unavailable //a seat being occupied
boolean hasFriends //used to determine socialOutcast/Butterfly scenario
//analyze how many free seats there are in the room://determine seat-search type:
- look at first seat
- is the seat empty?
- YES: mark as "available"
- NO: mark as "unavailable"
- look at next unmarked seat (return to "is the seat empty?")
- (when all seats are marked, go to next step)
IF markSeeker = TRUE {
- are your grades the most valuable thing to you in this class?
- YES: "markSeeker" = TRUE
- NO: go to next step
- is "hasFriends" TRUE? --> socialButterfly = TRUE
- is "hasFriends" FALSE? --> socialOutcast = TRUE
- is the front-centre seat (left or right side) "available"?
- YES: sit in it
- NO: is the seat next to it "available"?
- YES: sit in it
- NO: (return to "is the seat next to it 'available'?" above)
- is the next row-center seat (left or right side) "available"?
- YES: sit in it
- NO: (return to "is the seat next to it 'available'?" above)
IF socialOutcast = TRUE {
- is the back-most window seat "available"?
- YES: sit in it
- NO: is the seat next to it "available"?
- YES: sit in it
- NO: (return to "is the seat next to it 'available'?")
- do you have a seat yet?
- YES: done
- NO: are there any "available" seats?
- YES: sit at random
- NO: sit on the floor OR remain standing
IF socialButterfly = TRUE {
have any of your friends made a seat "unavailable"?
- YES: is there an "available" seat next to them?
- YES: do they have another friend they would rather sit next to?
- YES: socialButterfly = FALSE, socialOutcast = TRUE
- NO: sit in the "available" seat next to them
- NO: do you have another friend making a seat "unavailable"?
- YES: (return to "is there an 'available' seat next to them?")
- NO: socialButterfly = FALSE, socialOutcast = TRUE
- NO: socialButterfly = FALSE, socialOutcast = TRUE
For my computer less algorithm, I decided to make an algorithm that would simulate CSI character David Caruso’s infamous puns. If you do not watch CSI and have no idea what I am talking about, this comic provided by the internet should give you the basic gist of it:
He actually does this, all the time. So as a parody and mock-homage to this, I made a complex pun/sunglasses algorithm created with the syntax and structure of a processing sketch. It was hand written, and the only copy I had was handed in, so I can’t show the whole thing here. I’ll just summarize it:
- Analyze for pun function (checked If the situation, and timing were appropriate for a pun, as well as checking if the people around would be receptive to it)
o If return= true, say the pun
o Else , wait until opportune moment
- The Pun class contained the basic structure of a David Caruso Pun (“Well I guess” + pun + “YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHH”)
- There was a move function that contained instructions for putting on the sunglasses as you said the pun
As far as placing this into a new media context goes, I have always been interested in computer-generated sentences and communication. Chat bots for example, and David Rokeby’s Giver of Names project in particular are prime examples of this. The creation of a David Caruso pun generator that used input not from hilariously unlikely crime scenes, but from prominent and important issues of the day (terrorism, poverty, etc) would be a shocking installation. The combination of light-hearted pop culture with important serious issues would create great contrast and emphasize how the modern issues of today are often overshadowed by the latest trend or phase. News papers give coverage to some Justin Beiber video gone viral, instead of reporting on stories that have validity and importance to them.